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Maeda Masao 前田政雄 or 前田正夫 (1904-1974)
IHL Cat. #1724
Fukagawa Kiba (lumberyard), 1929
IHL Cat. #57
Red Gate at Imperial University
from the series Scenes of Last Tokyo, 1945
IHL Cat. #2657
Japan's Capital: A Pictorial, 1953
IHL Cat. #686
Signs of Spring - Mt. Togakushi,
c. 1955
IHL Cat. #2065
Oku-nikko from the portfolio
Hanga kanshōkai sakuhin-shū, Volume 1, 1980 (orig. 1959/1960)
IHL Cat. #1828
Cape Tachimachi, c. 1960
IHL Cat. #1970
Nara Shigatsu-do, 1970
IHL Cat. #1181
Still Life of Crystal Vase and Rose, 1973
Lake Chūzenji (Nikkō) undated
Masuda Gyokujō 益田玉城 (1881-1955)
IHL Cat. #2593
Bereft at a Lifelong Separation from the Righteous Samurai Collection, 1920
Matsumoto Fūko 松本楓湖 (1840-1923)
IHL Cat. #2302
The Duel at Takadanobaba from the Righteous Samurai Collection, 1920
Morita Hisashi 森田久 (active c. 1920s)
IHL Cat. #1633
Woman in Brown Kimono (untitled)
c. 1915-early 1930s
IHL Cat. #1634
Woman in Blue Kimono (untitled)
IHL Cat. #1635
The Due
IHL Cat. #1636
Woman in Stripped Kimono Carrying Furoshiki (untitled) 1915-early 1930s
IHL Cat. #1637
Woman Looking in Shop Window (untitled) 1915-early 1930s
IHL Cat. #1638
Woman and Caged Bird (untitled) 1915-early 1930s
IHL Cat. #1639
Modern Woman Looking in Shop Window Before the New Year (untitled) 1915-early 1930s
IHL Cat. #1640
Woman and Child Looking at Doll Display (untitled) 1915-early 1930s