Educational Color Woodblock Prints

Full Color Prints Issued by the Ministry of Education in 1873

(文部省発行教育錦絵 Monbushō hakkō kyōiku nishiki-e)



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Improving the Education of Families with Young Children

In October 1873, the Ministry of Education proclaimed that it would “improve the education of families with young children” by producing “a variety of art and toy products appropriate for children soon entering schools.”1 It then issued over 100 nishiki-e (color woodblock prints) as an aid for the education of young children and for adults. The total number of prints made and distributed is unknown but there are records of the Ministry distributing seven sets to Tokyo and a set each to other regional prefectures.2 Some prints were specifically targeted for home use with pre-school age children while others were issued to make up for “the lack of textbooks in Japan.”3 

The Ministry advertised these prints "As an aid to the education of the young child (yōdō) 幼童) within the home… use these pictures as a toy when the child is sitting or lying down. And when the child reaches the age to enter elementary school, the effect will be no small matter.”4  A set of 80 prints is listed by the Ministry as costing 26 sen and six ri.5 

These prints are referred to as Monbushō hakkō kyōiku nishiki-e 文部省発行教育錦絵 (often shortened to simply Kyōiku nishiki-e 教育錦絵) which is seen variously translated into English as “Pedagogic Brocade Prints published by the Ministry of Education,” “Full-color prints issued by the Ministry of Education” and  “Pictures for Children and Home Teaching.” The prints covered subjects including the basic principles of mechanics and physics, the accomplishments of great Western inventors and authors and lessons that can be drawn from their diligence, proper moral behavior, the importance of play and home economics. Educational prints for adults were also issued, including the basics of home construction and various agricultural pursuits. 

As can be seen below, some of the prints have extensive text, to assist a parent or teacher in explaining the pictures to a child. 

More Ministry of Education Color Woodblock Prints (not part of this collection)

数理図 斜面 

The Inclined Plain

[The Study of Natural Laws - Principals and Applications]



[Study of Natural Laws]

英国の瓦徳 (蒸気機関)

Englishman [James] Watt

(Steam Engine)

[Legends of Great Westerners]


Use of Cedar



Children Insulting a Suffering Man from the series Little Child Pictures for Home Entertainment

[Moral Lessons]


A Studious Wife from the series Little Child Pictures for Home Entertainment

[Home Schooling]


Mother teaching her children small and large numbers

[Home Scho