Picture Card Show (紙芝居 kamishibai):

Behind Distinguished Service,

August 1942

Behind Distinguished Service

(A National Policy Kamishibai)

Summary of the Story

Published in mid-August 1942, on the cusp of a sea change in the war with the United States’ victory at Midway in June, this kamishibai pays homage to soldiers on the front line and citizens on the home front. 

 Heitaro, a veteran, is called up again to serve, but family problems have driven him to drink. With a pep talk from his neighbor, a fortune teller, and his wife, his spirits lift and he eagerly joins up. He is sent overseas to an unmentioned location but his family problems weigh on him. Noticing Heitaro's demeanor, his company commander asks him to confide in him so he can assist. His company commander reaches out to Heitaro's neighborhood association and the association steps in to help the family.

Realizing he must make amends for his attitude, Heitaro declares his gratitude to his commander, the neighborhood, and the nation, and prepares for the coming offensive. Our story closes with a paean to the "work of those protecting the home front" and the nationalist slogan "100 million people, one heart."

click on an image to enlarge

Card facing audience


Behind Distinguished Service


Japanese Educational Kamishibiai Association


方面委員聯盟入選作 殊勲の陰に

A selected work by the Federation of the District Committee Alliance

Behind Distinguished Service


【Director's Notes】

ひどくめる調子になら ぬやう。

Don't sound overly reproachful. 

Script accompanying cover



こゝは大都會の片隅, 木枯の 風の唸りの合間々々に, どこか 夜業の機械の響が聞えてくる。



(Cover description)


 NARRATOR: Here is a corner of the big city, where amid the howling of the wintry wind, occasionally the sound of nocturnal machinery can be heard. 

(with a little more effort)

Protecting the industries behind the front lines, the industrial warriors are fighting.  

Script read by narrator

Colophon (publishing information along lower portion of card)

原作 大山 眞佐夫

檜画 野々口重

脚色   發作 日本教育紙芝居協會 [日本教育紙芝居協会]

original story: Ōyama Masao

illustration: Nonoguchi Shigeru

adaptation and production: Nippon Kyōiku Kamishibai Kyōkai (Japanese Educational Kamishibiai Association)

に 二十枚挿込 ナシ

作品番號 322

Behind Distinguished Service, twenty illustrations Inserted, no additional sheets 

Work number 322

定價 貳圓

Fixed price: 2 yen



Printed and deposited on August 8, 1942

Published on August 13, 1942



Behind Distinguished Service



No reproduction allowed

編輯者 佐木秋夫

Editor: Saki Akio

發行者 相馬正男
Publisher: Masao Sōma

印刷者 横山豊

Printer: Toyoyama Yoko

印刷所 横山印刷所

Printing company: Yokoyama Printing Company

發行所 日本教育畫劇株式會社

Publishing company: Nippon Kyōiku Gageki Kabushiki Kaisha

日本教育紙芝居協會 作品

[Nihon Kyōiku Kamishibai Kyōkai]

Work of the Japan Educational Kamishibai Association

(Police officer) "You there! Aren't you Ide Heitaro?"

(Heitaro, drunk) "Hmm? What do you want?" 

(The police officer, looking slightly annoyed) "Where have you been wandering around? For three or even four days!"

(Heitaro) "Huh?"

(Police officer) "You're not making any sense again, you're drunk. Everyone at home, including your parents and even the housekeeper, is worried sick and making a big fuss! Especially veterans like you, silently leaving home for several days!" 

(brief pause)

"Both the neighborhood association and the police were making a big fuss searching for you!" 

(Heitaro) (Eh?)

(Police officer, strongly) "You've been called up! The draft notice has arrived!" 

(extract [the card] smoothly and quickly.)

(警官)「君! 伊出平太郎さんぢゃないか?」

(平太郎、醉ってゐる)「ヘエ。 何か御用で」


(平太郎) 「へエ」

(警官) ヘエぢやアない、また酔つてゐるナ, 君。家ては か・み・さ・ん・も お・ふ・く・ろ・も  心配じて 大騒ぎしてゐるぢやないか! 殊に在郷軍人ともあらう者が, 默って 何日も家をあけてい、のか!

(短い 間)


(平太郎) 「え?」

(警官、強く)「御召しだよッ! 來たんだよ、赤紙が!「御召しだよッ! 來たんだよ、赤紙が!」


(brief pause)

(Mother) "Truly, we've only caused everyone worry..."

(Misai, the man next door) "We're all worried, but he's supposed to enlist tomorrow at 8 AM. If he doesn't make it in time, well, that would be a huge problem."

(Ine, the wife, speaking modestly but confidently from the side) "But, no matter what, he will definitely come back tonight."

(Misai) "Yes, my forecast also says he'll be back tonight. But, you know, these things sometimes go wrong.

(brief pause)

"Ah, it's getting really cold again tonight...

(brief pause)

(extracting the card) "By the way, Ine-san..."


(母親)「ほっとに 皆さまに 御心配ばかりかけま

(見齋、隣りの男) 御心配は お互さまだが、何ろ 明日 朝八時の入隊だからナ、間にあはなかったら むウ、それこそ 一大事だて


 「でも  いくら何でも今晩こそ、きッと歸って来てくれます


どうも こゝいゝつゝ 時々はづれるんです。
