Picture Card Show
(紙芝居 kamishibai):
Behind Distinguished Service,
August 1942
Behind Distinguished Service
(A National Policy Kamishibai)
Summary of the Story
Published in mid-August 1942, on the cusp of a sea change in the war with the United States after the US victory at Midway in June, this kamishibai pays homage to soldiers on the front line and citizens on the home front.
Heitarō, a veteran, is called up again to serve, but family problems have driven him to drink. With a pep talk from his neighbor, a fortune teller, and his wife, his spirits lift and he eagerly joins up. He is sent overseas to an unmentioned location but his family problems weigh on him. Noticing Heitarō's demeanor, his company commander asks him to confide in him so he can assist. His company commander reaches out to Heitarō's Neighborhood Association* and it steps in to help the family.
Realizing he must make amends for his attitude, Heitarō declares his gratitude to his commander, the neighborhood, and the nation, and prepares for the coming offensive. Our story closes with a paean to the "work of those protecting the home front" and the nationalist slogan "100 million people, one heart."
The Context
By August 1942, Japan's military was at a critical juncture. While its empire remained vast, resistance from the Allies was beginning to stiffen. By mid-1942 securing and governing Japan's empire proved increasingly difficult due to resistance movements (particularly in China), logistical challenges, and the sheer scale of the empire. As with Heitarō's being recalled to service, the recall of military veterans to active service had become a regular occurrence in Japan. In early June, Japan suffered its first major defeat at Midway. The balance of power seemed to be shifting to the United States and its allies.
On the home front, life was increasingly strained as the war effort demanded more sacrifices from the civilian population. The government and religious institutions promoted the concept of kokutai, or the national essence, emphasizing loyalty to the Emperor, spiritual purity, and the moral duty to support the war effort. Messages promoting sacrifice and unwavering support for the Emperor and the military dominated newspapers, radio, and public performances like kamishibai. The slogan "100 million people, one heart" underscored the push for national unity.
Local Neighborhood Associations provided support for the families of soldiers at the front by coordinating financial, social and material aid including child and elder care assistance, coordinating visits to local Shinto shrines to pray for soldiers' safety, helping to deliver official military notifications and communications to families and finding productive work for family members.
While the support was real, Neighborhood Associations also served as instruments of social control. They monitored soldiers' families to ensure they adhered to wartime policies and behaviors.
*Neighborhood Association (tonarigumi) was a community-based mutual aid organization established by the Ministry of Home Affairs under the Imperial Assistance Rule Association (taisei yokusankai) in 1940.
click on an image to enlarge
Card facing audience
Behind Distinguished Service
Japanese Educational Kamishibiai Association
方面委員聯盟入選作 殊勲の陰に
A selected work by the Federation of the District Committee Alliance
Behind Distinguished Service
【Director's notes】
ひどく咎める調子になら ぬやう。
Don't sound overly reproachful.
[Instructions for narrator]
こゝは大都會の片隅, 木枯の 風の唸りの合間々々に, どこか 夜業の機械の響が聞えてくる。
(Cover description)
NARRATOR: Here is a corner of the big city, where amid the howling of the wintry wind, occasionally the sound of nocturnal machinery can be heard.
(with a little more effort)
Protecting the industries behind the front lines, the industrial warriors are fighting.
Script read by narrator
Colophon (publishing information along lower portion of card)
原作 大山 眞佐夫
檜画 野々口重
脚色 發作 日本教育紙芝居協會 [日本教育紙芝居協会]
original story: Ōyama Masao
illustration: Nonoguchi Shigeru
adaptation and production: Japanese Educational Kamishibiai Association
(Nippon kyōiku kamishibai kyōkai)
殊勳の蔭に 二十枚挿込 ナシ
作品番號 322
Behind Distinguished Service, twenty illustrations Inserted, no additional sheets
Work number 322
定價 貳圓
Fixed price: 2 yen
Printed and deposited on August 8, 1942
Published on August 13, 1942
Behind Distinguished Service
No reproduction allowed
編輯者 佐木秋夫
Editor: Saki Akio
發行者 相馬正男
Publisher: Masao Sōma
印刷者 横山豊
Printer: Toyoyama Yoko
印刷所 横山印刷所
Printing company: Yokoyama Printing Company
發行所 日本教育畫劇株式會社
Publishing company: Japanese Educational Kamishibai Company, Ltd.
(Nippon kyōiku gageki kabushiki kaisha)
日本教育紙芝居協會 作品
Work of the Japanese Educational Kamishibai Association
(Nippon kyōiku kamishibai kyōkai)
(Police officer) "You there! Aren't you Ide Heitarō?"
(Heitarō, drunk) "Hmm? What do you want?"
(The police officer, looking slightly annoyed) "Where have you been wandering around? For three or even four days!"
(Heitarō) "Huh?"
(Police officer) "You're not making any sense again, you're drunk. Everyone at home, including your parents and even the housekeeper, is worried sick and making a big fuss! Especially veterans like you, silently leaving home for several days!"
(brief pause)
"Both the neighborhood association and the police were making a big fuss searching for you!"
(Heitarō) (Eh?)
(Police officer, strongly) "You've been called up! The draft notice has arrived!"
(immediately and smoothly pull the card)
(brief pause)
(Mother) "Truly, we've only caused everyone worry..."
(Misai, the man next door [and a fortune teller]) "We're all worried, but he's supposed to enlist tomorrow at 8 AM. If he doesn't make it in time, well, that would be a huge problem."
(Ine, the wife, speaking modestly but confidently from the side) "But, no matter what, he will definitely come back tonight."
(Misai) "Yes, my forecast also says he'll be back tonight. But, you know, these things sometimes go wrong.
(brief pause)
"Ah, it's getting really cold again tonight...
(brief pause)
(as you pull the card) "By the way, Ine-san..."
(Misai, speaking hesitantly) "Not that I want to pry as a close neighbor, but, um, if I remember correctly, Ine-san, you were cut off—financially and otherwise—by your brother, right?"
(Ine) "Yes.
(Brief pause)
When I came here, my brother was strongly opposed. He said if I got married, I would no longer be his sister, even if I had to crawl on the ground."
(Misai, almost jokingly) "You went against his wishes to come here. That’s no small thing...
(Returning to seriousness) But in that case, what about the family register?"
(Ine) "It's still the same; my brother hasn't allowed it yet..."
(Misai) "That's troublesome. Your children are considered illegitimate, aren't they? Going forward, with school and all... If Heitarō doesn’t come back soon, it'll be a real problem."
(Brief pause)
(as you smoothly pull the card)
(Heitarō) "I'm back. Sorry for the trouble."
(見齋、言ひにくさうに) 「隣り同志の 心易だてに根堀り 葉堀りする譯でもないが、むゥ、 たじか おイネさんは、むゥ 兄さんから
財富――さいふか、義絶になってるたんだなァ 。」
(イネ)「えゝ 。
兄は どうしても反對して、
どうでも嫁くなら 足でもない 妹でもないってー」
(見齊、ちよつとふざけさうになる)「それを 押じ切って来たんだから お安くないナー
(まじめにかへつて) じかし さうすると 籍のほうに?」
(イネ)「そのまゝて、兄が まだ いれてくれませんー」
(見齊)「困るナ 子供さんたちだって 庶子だらう?
これから先―― 學校もあるしー
平さん 早く歸って来なければ、 困るなア 全く。」
(Everyone, unintentionally loudly) "Welcome back!"
(brief pause)
(Misai) "Heitarō, Heitarō, you really worried us! It's been so long since you left!"
(Heitarō) "I just heard about it at the police box, and I rushed back—please forgive me."
(Misai) "Is that so? Oh, there's nothing to forgive. Hey, this is all thanks to Ine-san, ha ha ha, it’s such a happy occasion. Come on, come inside."
(Heitarō) "Yeah, I'm just to ashamed to face everyone..."
(quickly pull the card)
(Ine, deliberately cheerful) "You're so proud, aren't you? It's an honorable call to duty, after all. Even I feel proud.
(short pause)
I don't have anything special, but I thought you'd definitely come home tonight, so I got a bottle to celebrate and have been waiting for you. The neighborhood association was worried, so go thank everyone first, and then tonight, let's celebrate thoroughly."
(Mother, tearfully) "Heitarō! Ine, she managed everything, from your clothes for tomorrow to your pocket money."
(pull the card)
(Misai) "Truly, Heitarō, you're lucky to have such a good wife. Well, we've taken care of everything with the neighborhood association, so don't worry."
(Heitarō) "Yes, thank you very much."
(Misai) "But, Heitarō, what about that matter with Ine's registration? If you don't register her soon, the kids will be starting school soon, and being unregistered isn't good."
(Heitarō) "I know, but Ine's brother is so stubborn. It's my biggest concern."
(Misai) "I see, that's something even the neighborhood association can't handle."
(short pause)
(as you pull the card)
NARRATOR: But the next morning...
NARRATOR: "Now, as if reborn, he has forgotten everything and is eagerly joining the Army. Among the crowd seeing off Heitarō Ide—"
(Ine's brother, Sakuma Shunsuke) "Isn't that Heitarō over there?"
(His wife, Kiyo, admiringly) "Yes, it is. Look at him, Heitarō looks so splendid. Now you can proudly acknowledge him as your brother-in-law and send him off with pride."
(Shunsuke) "What's the point of saying that now? Enough already!
(Brief pause) It seems like Ine is also going through hardships..."
(pull the card)
(Soldier 1) "Look, look! Haha. This is my eldest son. It arrived from the mainland today. Isn't he adorable?"
(Soldier 2) "Hmm, indeed, he looks delicious."
(Soldier 1) "Delicious? Hey, don't mistake him for food!"
(Soldier 2) "Haha, but it's nice to have children. It's sad for those who don't."
(Soldier 1) "What about you?"
(Soldier 2) "I don't have a son."
(Soldier 1) "I see, but daughters are nice too, right?"
(Soldier 2) "Yeah, probably."
(Soldier 1) "Probably? Don't you have a daughter?"
(Soldier 2) "Actually, I'm still single."
(Soldier 1) "What? Really?"
(quietly pull the card)
(兵 一 )「見ろ〱 ハヽ ヽ ヽ 。これが おれの家の 一番上の坊主だ。今日 内地から届いたんだ。どうだ かはいゝだらう!』
(兵二) 「うゝむ なるほど、うまさうだナ。』
(兵一) 「うまさう? おん〱 こいつ、食べものとまちがふな!」
(兵二) 「 ハヽ ヽ ヽ じかしいゝなァ、子供は。かわいさうだよ、子供の無い奴は。」
(兵一) 「お前のところは?」
(兵二) 「男の子は無い。」
(兵一) 「さうか、女の子も いゝものだらう?』
(兵二) 「さうだらう――」
(兵一) 「さうだらうッて お前のは 女の子なんだらう?」
(兵二) 「實は その、まだ獨り者さ」
(兵一) 「え? なアんだ、こいつ!」
NARRATOR: Amidst the lively conversation of his comrades, Private Second Class Ide was engrossed in a letter he had just received.
NARRATOR: "Mother and Kimiko and Nobuko are well. Every morning, I go to pray at Hachiman Shrine. Grandma’s illness has improved significantly, and she can now get out of bed.
(Short pause)
"The neighbors give us sweets and various things and help us in many ways. Both Grandma and Mother say they are grateful and often cry with gratitude.
And they tell me to be a good boy and take care of Kimiko and Nobuko.
Dad, please achieve great deeds by capturing the enemy’s positions. Mom says not to worry about things at home.
Banzai to my soldier dad."
NARRATOR: His mother must have helped him write it. While repeatedly reading the difficult-to-read katakana letter, Heitarō was flooded with memories of his life before he was drafted.
(pull the card)
賑やかな 戰友達の語らひを よそに伊出二等兵に 今うけどった 一通の手紙に 見いつてゐた。
「カアチャンモ キミコモ ノブコモ ゲンキデスボクハ マイアサ ハチマンサマニ オマヰリニ ユキマス。オバアチャンノ ビヨウキハダイブ ヨクナッテオキラレルヤウニ ナリマシタ。
トナリグミデ オカシヤ イロ〱ナモノヲ クレタリイロ〱ナコトヲ シテクレマス。オバアチヤンモ カアチャンモアリガタイ〱トイッテ ナキマス
ススムモ ヨク イフコトヲキイテイ、コニシナサイ トイヒマス
ボクハ イツシヤウケンメイニ イ、コニナッテ キミコヤ ノブコヲ カワイガリマス。
テキノ トー チカヲ センリョウシテ テガラチ タテテクダサイ。カアチャンハ ウチノコトハ シンバイシナイデトカキナサイ トイヒマス。ヘイタイサンノ トゥチャン バンザイ」
母親が 手を添へて書かせたのであらう。讀みにくい カタカナの手紙を 繰返し讀んでゐるうちに平太郎は 應召前の自分のことを次々に 想ひ起すのであつた。
(Company Commander) "Private Ide, is something troubling you? You seem a bit down. How about talking to me like you would to your father or uncle? Tell me what's troubling you."
(Heitarō) "Yes, sir."
(short pause)
NARRATOR: Heitarō, though embarrassed to reveal his thoughts on the battlefield, began to confide in the Company Commander about his worries for his wife and his family back home.
(Company Commander) "I see, but you don’t need to worry anymore. I'll write a letter to your local committee [neighborhood association] and ask for their assistance. I believe they will extend both hands to warmly support your family, just as the military support services will. But, Private Ide, you must fulfill your vow to change with your actions.
(with emphasis)
Do you understand? As a proud soldier of the Imperial Army, you must energetically commit to your duties."
(中隊長)『伊出二等兵、お前何かくヽにヽに心配事でもあるのぢゃないか?どうも 少じ 元氣が無いやうだが―――どうだ ひとつ をやぢか伯父にても話す積りて 中隊長に譯を話してくれんか?』
(平太郎) 「はい」
平太郎は 戰場にあつて、家に心を残すことをはぢながら、妻の身の上の事等きかれるまゝに、打ちあけた。
(中隊長)「さうか、しかじ、もう心配するな。お前の方の方面委員の方に手紙を出じてよきく 頼んでやる。銃後の方面事業も 軍人援護事業もきつと兩手を擴げて お前の家族を、温く 抱いてくれるだらうと、わたしは信ずる。だが 伊出二等兵, お前、改心じたといふ誓は、身を以て 果さなければならんぞ。
(Misai) "Ah, welcome! Palm reading, face reading, astrology, matchmaking, business negotiations, lost items, directions... Ah, Nakagawa-san! Thank you for your hard work. Despite the times, being a local committee member is no easy task."
(Nakagawa) "No, no, I haven't been of much help. I’m grateful to you, Misai-san, for always staying in touch and assisting us. By the way, today, I’d like to talk about our neighbor, Ide-san."
(Misai) "Well, as always, I appreciate it. We’ve tried to handle matters in the neighborhood, including those next door, as best as we can, but lately, it’s been quite... well..."
(Nakagawa) "Ide-san's wife has always shown such a commendable attitude, fitting for a family with a soldier away. I’ve been so impressed that I haven’t inquired deeply. But yesterday, we received a letter from the unit commander in the field. We need to consult and see what can be done right away."
(pull the card)
(見齋) 「あゝ、おいてえゝ、手相人相星まはり、縁談商談 失せもの方角、あ、こり こりや 中川さん、いやどうも、御苦労様ですな。時節柄とはいへ、方面委員といふお仕事も、大抵ぢやございませんな。」
(中川) 「いや、なか〱 お役にも立たずにゐますよ、見齋さんには、いつも連絡をとっていたゞいて、おかげさまて。見齋さんには、いつも 連絡をとっていたゞいて、おかげさまて。
(見齋) 「いや、相變らず有がたいことで、何しろ壁一重の隣のこと、隣組のことは私どもの手でと、まあ努力してみたつもりですが、近頃は
(中川) 「伊出さんのお宅、いつ奥さんに會っても、出征家族にふさはじく、けなげな態度でゐますので、感心じて つひ深くもきかないでゐたんですが、實は昨日、現地の部隊長からお手紙が來じてね。早速に、ご相談じて、何とか取計らはうと。」
(short pause)
(Nakagawa) "I’ve heard about your situation from the neighborhood leader. I’m always touched by your steadfast words, but today, please speak frankly. We’ll do whatever we can to help――"
(Ine) "Y-yes, truly――
I am the wife of a soldier deployed to the front.
(short pause)
I don’t wish to rely on others for the matters of my own family.
(Nakagawa) "Hmm, that’s very admirable. That’s how it should be. However, human strength has its limits. Both the nation and the people do not want the families of deployed soldiers to suffer. We want to provide as much support as possible so that the soldiers can serve without any worries."
(Ine, quietly) "Yes..."
(pull the card)
(中川)「隣組長さんからもお宅の大体の御事情は伺つてるます。いつも 健氣な御言葉に感じ入つてゐますが、どうか 今日は、ありのまゝおつしやつて下さい。できることなら何でも お取り計らひ致じますから――」
(イネ) 「は、はい、まことに―――
(短い 間)
知れた 自分一家のことで人様のお力に縋りたくございません。
(中川)「む、む、いや おりつぱです。さうなくては なりません。じかじ、人間の力には限りがあります。國家も國民も 出征家族に御不自由はさせたくない、できるだけ お世話させて頂きたい、さうして、出征軍人の方には 一切心配なじに、御奉公して頂きたいのてす――」
(Misai) "How did it go?"
(Nakagawa) "Well, they’re quite admirable people, with an excellent spirit ― but today, after much discussion, they finally agreed."
(Misai) "That’s great. So, how exactly―"
(Nakagawa) "The sick mother will go to the city hospital―"
(Misai) "Hmm, to the hospital!"
(Nakagawa) "The children will be placed in a daycare, and the wife will work at a vocational center."
(Misai) "Well, as expected. Your expertise as a local committee member surpasses any fortune-telling skills I might have!"
(Nakagawa) "You’re too kind."
(Misai, somewhat formally) "But you know, there’s one more issue with the Ide family that you might not be aware of."
(Nakagawa) "I’m aware. I’ve already contacted the brother."
(Misai) "Ah, well done indeed."
(pull the card)
(見齋) 「いかゞでじたナ?」
(中川) 「いや、中々見上げた人です。りつぱな精神で―― じかし今日は、色々お話じて、やつと承知じて貰ひまじた。」
(中川)「子供さんは託兒所へあづけておいて、おかみさんは 授産場へ働きに出る、といふことに。」
(見齊)「いや、 さすが〱。わしの方角のいゝ悪いよりも方面委員のはうが、よッぽど 上手でいらっじゃる!」
(見齋、少々改まつて) 「じかし あなた、伊出さんには、も一つ問題があるのを御存知ですかナ?」
(中川)「判つてゐます。 さっそくその兄さんといふ人のほうへ連絡じてゐます。」
(見齋)「い や、これは さすが〱。」
NARRATOR: It was a bright spring morning.
Accompanied by my two small children,
(in a tone like Ine’s monologue, exclamatory)
I will now head to the daycare and leave them there, then hurry to the vocational center. I’ve already gotten quite used to the work. Mr. Misai kindly takes my mother to the hospital. Oh, if only my husband Heitarō could see this! If only the unit commander, who kindly wrote letters to the local committee, could see this!
(pull the card)
(as she finishes speaking)
(Shunsuke): “Oh, Ine!”
(Ine, tearfully) "Brother—"
(Shunsuke) "Come on, don't be such a child. Heitarō is doing well, right? Have you received any letters? No matter what has happened until now, don't let those on the battlefield worry."
(Ine, emotional) "Brother, does that mean you forgive us for everything—"
(Shunsuke, hiding his tears) "People used to say we were such a close-knit brother and sister!"
(brief pause)
(pull the card)
(Nakagawa) "Oh, Ine, I'm so glad for you."
(Shunsuke) "Yes, Ine, Mr. Nakagawa from the local committee came all the way to our house and explained everything in detail."
(Ine) "Really, from start to finish."
(Nakagawa) “Well, more importantly, I brought the paperwork for registering your marriage, so please put your seal here.”
(Ine) "Y-yes."
(quietly pull the card)
(Company Commander) "Hmm, hmm, that's good, that's good, isn't it wonderful, Private Second Class Ide!"
(Heitarō, tearfully) "Y-yes..."
(Company Commander) "Thank you so much. You did really well. I'm grateful for what you did. Ide, the movements of a great nation, all the individual efforts and struggles up to now, they can be easily overlooked. Work hard."
(After a short pause)
(as you pull the card)
(Change tone, in a reading voice)
NARRATOR: “The day after receiving the joyful news was the long-awaited day of the general offensive.”
(Heitarō) "I'll do it! Tomorrow, I'll definitely do it! Please forgive me for everything until now. I promise I'll make up for it with a great achievement!"
The eerie silence is broken by the roar of a reconnaissance plane.
(Heitarō) "Tomorrow!"
Facing his hometown, Heitarō bit his lip firmly.
(Singing a little)
"Both the front lines and the home front, 'one hundred million people, one heart.'* Behind every distinguished service, there is the work of those protecting the home front."
(The end)
*This nationalist slogan 一億一心 ichioku isshin (100 million people, one heart) often appeared in the final panel of wartime kamishibai.