Engei shashinchō Volume 5, 1926


Selected Pages from Engei shashinch Volume 5, Number 1, January 1, 1926

IHL Cat. #2757

click on image to enlarge

Engei shashinchō Volume 5, Number 1

演藝寫真帖 第五卷 第一

cover art (lithograph):

Ichikawa Chūsha [VII] as Benkei in Ataka

[六代目] 市川中車の安宅の辨慶

artist: Kawase Hasui 川瀬巴水 (1883-1957)

signed: 巴水画 Hasui ga; sealed: stylized red 水 "sui" seal


published: January 1, Taishō 15 (1926)

publishing company: Taishō Communications Co., Ltd. Osaka Branch

大正十年一月一日 發行

發賣所 大正通信社大阪支社

overall size: approx. 8 9/16 x 11 7/8 in. (21.8 x 30.1 cm)

Note: To see enlargements of this entire issue go to the Art Research Center (ARC)


▲ New Year's Greeting▼ 

As we bid farewell to the eventful Taisho 14 (1925) and welcome the new year of 1926, filled with hope, what first comes to our minds is the remarkable growth of our magazine over the past year. Currently, our Engei shashincho occupies the top spot in sales among similar publications, and despite the economic downturn, the increased printing each month has truly become a marvel in the printing and publishing world.

新年號 目次

New Year’s issue, table of contents


三十六家撰 (その十三) 尾上菊五郎の鏡獅子


Frontispiece (color lithograph):

Thirty-Six Selected Actors (No. 13), Onoe Kikugorō [VI] [as the maiden Yayoi] in Kagamijishi

Drawn by Itō Shinsui 伊東深水 (1898-1972)

當世人氣俳優 (その二十)


Contemporary Popular Actors (No. 20)

Mr. Ichikawa Kodayū [II]

歌舞伎座十二月狂言 (戻橋)

Kabuki-za December performance (Modoribashi)


From the Ten Varieties of Classical and Modern Plays

渡邊源次綱 — 市藏

Watanabe no Genji Tsuna — Ichizō

[Ichikawa Ichizō IV 市川市蔵]

扇折小百合實は愛宕山の鬼女 ― 福助

 Ōgiori no Sayuri (in reality, the demoness of Mt. Atago) — Fukusuke

[Nakamura Fukusuke V 中村福助]



Kyoto Minami-za kaomise performance (Fumi Hiroge [Lunacy, unrolling letters])


Scene: Madness at Gojō Bridge


Madwoman Ochiyo — Baikō

[Onoe Baikō VI 尾上梅幸]

文賣與作 — 魁車

 Letter seller Yosaku — Kaisha

[Nakamura Kaisha 中村魁車]

d帝國劇場十二月狂言 (戰國時代史の一頁)

Imperial Theatre December performance

(A Page from the history of the Warring States period)



Written by Kunieda Kanji [1892-1956]

Stage direction by Im Hwa* [1908-1953]

本多平八郎 — 田之助

Honda Heihachirō — Tanosuke

[Sawamura Tanosuke V 澤村田之助]

高坂彈正 — 松助

Kōsaka Danjō — Matsusuke

[Onoe Matsusuke IV 尾上松助 (1843-1928)]

小姓東馬實は小宰相 — 菊江

Koshō Tōma (in reality, Kozaishō) — Kikue

[Kawamura Kikue 河村菊江 (1890-1972)]

* Korean poet, film and literary critic, actor, director

歌舞伎座 (研辰の討たれ)

Kabuki-za (Togitatsu no utare - The revenge on Togitatsu)

木村錦花氏原作 竹柴兼三氏脚色

Original story by Kimura Kinka [1877-1960] Adapted by Takeshiba Kenzō

 [Hirata Kenzō (1894-1976)]

河竹繁俊氏 舞臺監督

Stage direction by Kawatake Shigetoshi [1889-1967]

研尾辰次* [研屋辰次] — 市川猿之助
Togiya Tatsuji [the sword sharpener] — Ichikawa Ennosuke

[Ichikawa Ennosuke II (1888-1963)]

*"研尾辰次" note typographical error in character's name on page. It should read "研屋辰次"



Imperial Theatre December performance (Chūshingura: Annual Event)

三世河竹新七氏作 烏居清忠氏舞臺裝置

Written by Kawatake Shinshichi III

Stage design by Torii Kiyotada


Scene: The Pine Room in the Palace

淺野長矩 — 宗十郎

Asano Naganori — Sōjūrō

[Sawamura Sōjūrō VII 沢村宗十郎 (1875-1949)]

吉良上野介 — 松助
Kira Yoshinaka — Matsusuke

[Onoe Matsusuke IV 尾上松助 (1843-1928)]

京都南座顔見世狂言 (紙屋治兵衛時雨炬燵)

Kyoto Minami-za kaomise performance (Kamiya Jihei [Kamiya Jihei: Shigure no kotatsu] - Winter rain and the kotatsu)


Scene: The paper seller's shop

紙屋治兵衛 — 雁治郎