Shōsai Ikkei

Shōsai Ikkei 昇斎 一景 (active c. 1870s)


Sources: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists: Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Prints, Lacquer, Laurance P. Roberts, Weatherhill, 1976, p. 52; The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints, Amy Reigle Newland, Hotei Publishing Company, 2005, p. 504; Wikipedia Japan [accessed 11-29-23]

Little is known about this artist's life. He was a student of Utagawa Hiroshige III (1842–1894) and was active between 1860 and the late 1870s. He produced meisho-e of a radically changing Tokyo and comic scenes (giga) of Edo Life in the early Meiji Era, such as Comic Scenes of Thirty-Six Famous Places in Tokyo (Tōkyō meisho sanjūroku gisen, 1871-1872). His most famous work was the series Forty-Eight Famous Views of Tokyo (Tōkyō meisho shijūhakkei, 1871), an example of which is shown below.

Jonathan Solomon, in his article titled "Bridging Edo and Meiji, Shōsai Ikkei's Comic Views of Early Tokyo"1 states:

By the calculations of Hatakeyama Yutaka, a curator at the Machida City Museum in surburban Tokyo where he organized in 1992 the only exhibition ever held on the the art of Shōsai Ikkei, the artist left a total known oeuvre of 132 prints (of which 24, or one fourth, were triptychs) plus six picture-books, all in color woodblock.

Solomon goes on to provide us with he calls "the sole scrap of biographical data" on the artist from Sansantei Yūjin (identity unknown) who wrote a brief text on Ikkei appearing in the table of contents of his series Forty-Eight Famous Views of Tokyo, to wit:

From this..., we learn only that Ikkei took a liking to the work of Maruyama Ōkyo (1733-1795), founder of the Shijō School, and hence traveled to Kyoto to study.  He applied himself with diligence, but then decided to retire from the world.  Only later - presumably now in Tokyo after the Restoration - did he respond to the entreaties of publishers and begin to produce numerous works.

Solomon also speculates on "the remote possibility" that Ikkei may have been one and the same with the artist Utagawa Hirokage 歌川広景.

1 "Bridging Edo and Meiji, Shōsai Ikkei's Comic Views of Early Tokyo" appearing in Impressions: The Journal of the Ukiyo-e Society of American, Inc., Number 21, 1999, p. 43-53. 

Forty-Eight Famous Views of Tokyo: Shibakuchibashi Bridge

東京名所四十八景 芝口はし, 1871

Signature and Seals of the Artist (A Few Examples)

Shōsai Ikkei hitsu / unread seal


ōju Shōsai Ikkei hitsu / unread seal



Shōsai Ikkei hitsu


Shōsai Ikkei


Shōsai hitsu 


Shōsai Ikkei giga


last revision:


Prints in Collection


click on thumbnail for print details

Suruga-chō (No. 30)

from the series Thirty-Six

Views of Tokyo, 1871

IHL Cat. #1626

[The Dam] on the Otonashigawa at Ōji (No. 36) from the series Thirty-Six Views of Tokyo, 1871

IHL Cat. #1532

Tenth Month, Asakusa from the series Twelve Months at Famous Places in Tokyo, 1872

IHL Cat. #1727

No. 2 Not Aware Man and Aware Man from the series A Didactic Mirror of Good and Evil, 1872

IHL Cat. #1168

No. 7, Greedy Merchant and Solicitous Merchant from the series A Didactic Mirror of Good and Evil, 1872

IHL Cat. #526 (top print)

IHL Cat. #527 (bottom print)

No. 8 Wasteful Man and Frugal Man

from the series A Didactic Mirror of Good and Evil, 1872

IHL Cat. #556

No. 12, Do not give money to the indolent from the series A didactic Mirror of Good and Evil, 1872

IHL Cat. #670

No. 2 Bad Example from the series Moral Lessons for Daughters About the Two Sides of Life, 1873

IHL Cat. #2271

No. 9 Good Example from the series