Koga Misao

Koga Misao 古賀操  [古賀みさお] (act. c. 1960s-1980s) 


No information is available about this artist who was a member of Tadashige Ono's (1909-1990) Han no kai 版の会 (Print Society) formed in 1960 to nurture younger artists.1 The Society continued throughout Tadashige's lifetime and, perhaps, beyond. 

Koga worked in a straight forward representational style with many of his/her works being printed in black and black gradations.  

1 Tadashige's Han no kai should not be confused with Takei Takeo's Han no kai ("Hazlenut" Society) formed  around 1935.

Prints in Collection

click on thumbnail for print details

Karuizawa Station,

undated (c. 1970/1980)

IHL Cat. #2012

Former Mikasa House,

undated (C. 1970/1980)

IHL Cat. #2013

Karuizawa Kōgen Church,

undated (c. 1970/1980)

IHL Cat. #2014

Asakusa Hagoita ichi from the portfolio Collection of Woodblock Prints Lyricism of Shitamachi, 1986

IHL Cat. #2005